All in all, Remy is surrounded by a myriad of people who he cares for, and yet he keeps himself at arms’ length to shield an essential part of who he is. This all-too familiar scenario is one that many queer people can identify with.

Out of the Blue features various motifs: water, music, the senses, but the one featured in chapter 5 sheds the most light on the main characters — pun very much intended — and signals a significant turning point in their dynamic.

The use of colors in storytelling mediums such as novels, short stories, and comics and graphic novels are also particularly interesting because they generally signify certain culturally-specific archetypes. The question that often comes up with this approach, though, is whether or not discussing the use of color in a text leads to over analysis.

After 35 years of development, he is now a constantly reincarnating hero of destiny, blessed with the Triforce of Courage and wielder of the Master Sword, tasked with defeating Demise and his own reincarnations. The question at hand is “what did Link have to say about all this?”