What’s this about?

Comics & Queeries is a queer comics discussion blog that allows me to joyfully dive deeper into the world of comics and share my thoughts with all of you, whether you’re well-read in the field or completely new to it.

As I find myself somewhat in between - with my background in literature on one hand but a self-taught understanding of comics on the other - I hope to both learn more and inspire your own discussions through these mini essays.

I hope you enjoy this exploration of the incredible stories, characters and artistry that queer and queer-ally comic creators are enriching the world with. 

How does this work?

Every few weeks or so, I post 3 mini essays about a particular scene or chapter from a queer comic. Each mini essay discusses a query about the content, form, or theory present in that scene or chapter. 

Since we’re all busy, each mini essay is straight-forward and brief, with enough information to mull over your morning coffee and inspire your own personal thoughts.